Jamie Vuong Fitness

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Zareen Ahmed

I'd never had a PT before, mainly because I wasn't convinced it was worth the cost. Little did I know how much it was going to transform my fitness regime. I was someone who preferred participating in sports, such as tennis and climbing, as I perceived it to be more fun. 

My gym routine often consisted of me going to the gym once a week, following the same routine and aimlessly using a variety of machines, which had very little impact on my fitness goals. As a result, I found it very difficult to stay motivated and used to stop going to the gym a few months into a new year.

Working with Jamie has made a real difference. As soon as we begun, he took the time to understand my aims to set workout programmes tailored specifically to my personal needs. Knowing how busy work can get for me, he even created a programme with videos showing examples of bodyweight exercises for the days I can't get to the gym so I can work out from home. He goes the extra mile.

Being petite, my goal was to be #StrongNotSkinny and tone up; focussing first on arms and then incorporating quads, glutes and chest. During the 10 months we have worked together, I feel I have improved so much. I am noticeably fitter and stronger, my levels of cardio have improved, and I've found myself pushing and pulling more than ever. Never in my imagination did I think that I could do pull ups, dips or weighted chin ups, which I have achieved with Jamie due to his approach of always reviewing your weights and exercises to ensure your body is always being challenged and adapting. This is what I enjoy the most about training with Jamie. It's been such a confidence boost getting positive feedback from friends and family on how toned my body has become.

Jamie keeps training interesting and fun by changing the programme every 4 weeks. This in turn has given me the chance to try new exercises I would have never have thought of. Now I feel motivated to go to the gym 3-4 times a week and actually feel guilty if I don't because I want to maintain the positive progress I have made.

I would definitely encourage anyone to work with Jamie. He is fun, friendly, and knowledgable, and is always on hand to answer any questions you might have. He is also committed to giving you structure and purpose to your workouts so that you are constantly challenging yourself to meet your goals.