
Check out some of our success stories!

Shana Ray

Before starting my training with Jamie I was not a fan of the gym. I wouldn't go alone as I didn't feel confident enough in what to do and how to use any of the equipment. I also felt quite low about my body image, and was stuck in a guilt cycle of eating junk food and then feeling bad that I wasn't getting to the gym. I wouldn't wear shorts and felt very self conscious.

The change in my body image and my confidence, both in the gym, and in my daily life has been incredible. I now have the motivation and confidence to go to the gym and do my training without feeling anxious. I have learned to use the equipment, a huge variety of exercises, and also what variations I can do when I am unable to find the equipment I need (such a huge help). I can see the changes in my body shape which has been so motivating.

It's hard to pick something that has been the best part, Jamie has been incredibly supportive, as well as helping me be accountable for both my eating, and the training I am doing outside of my sessions. I think if I had to chose something it would be the confidence it has given me to get to the gym by myself.

When I first contacted Jamie, my main aim for wanting a personal trainer was to be able to go to the gym alone, and not rely on having someone to go with me. I have definitely achieved that, and although I still dislike going at peak times, I make a plan to go when it will not be too busy, and I stick to it. 

The daily nutritional course emails have also been great to help me learn more about nutrition and fitness, and how to make the most of my training.

I would 100% recommend training with Jamie, he is very knowledgeable about both fitness and nutrition, and will definitely help you achieve your goals. My twice weekly sessions didn't seem a chore at all, and Jamie was great at pushing me beyond my comfort zone. 

The amount I've achieved in a short space of time has been totally worth it. 

Just a huge thank you, and I will definitely be back!

Jamie Vuong