
Check out some of our success stories!

Priscilla Lam

I had some basic knowledge in fitness and exercise prior to training with Jamie, but I wasn't always consistent with what I was doing. In some ways, I found it difficult because there was never really a real focus on what I was working on. I'd usually only attend classes and would come to workout alone once or twice a week doing whatever I fancied at the time.

Now, I feel like I have got clearer fitness goals and I understand what steps are required in working closer to achieve these goals. It is definitely useful having an exercise programme that is person-centred. I usually find it difficult pushing myself into the uncomfortable zone when comes to weights, but training with Jamie allows me to step out of this zone a little!

The best part about training is working together collaboratively with Jamie and just being able to see the weights increasing on most occasions. As I reflect on this, it makes me realise how far I've come since I first started and I've never looked back really!

For anyone who is thinking of joining, definitely go for it! Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or are already quite experienced, whether your goal is weight loss or to bulk up, having a PT is great and it's really about having the good rapport and someone you can trust. For me, it acts as reassurance - ensuring my form and technique is correct, as well as looking for ways to progress and become better. I think once you've got the basic foundation of knowledge in this area, you'll feel a lot more confident overall and coming to the gym alone will be less intimidating.

Thank you Jamie for the past months with training. Can't believe it's been since January 2017? I never really thought much into having another PT because of my previous failed experiences, and I certainly didn't think I'd persist this long. But this is quite possibly one of the best fitness decisions I've ever made, aside from joining CrossFit. I definitely feel more confident, and seeing the improvements I make each time is very empowering. I will continue to have other fitness goals that I'll need Jamie's help and guidance in achieving, as well as my reps in chin ups/pull ups.

I know his compassion and ethos will get him very far in his fitness career and I wish Jamie the best with it all.

Jamie Vuong