Jamie Vuong Fitness

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Ricky Sidhu

My primary concern was that I wouldn't reach my goal - that my personal trainer would not be consistent, reliable, or would not match my level of dedication.

I am quite a determined individual. With previous personal trainers, I was put off by missed sessions, them coming late, and overall poor communication. I am passionate about working out and being in shape, and it was nice that I could see Jamie clearly was as well.

I found that I was better able to understand how to achieve my goals in the long term, which proved to me that the training sessions were a fantastic investment in my health, and also a more efficient use of gym time in the future. I was really pleased with the progress we made, both in terms of how I looked and my performance.

I liked that Jamie was focussed on measurements and actually recording my workouts as well, as I think it's so important to track progression. Jamie also built a structured programme, and this is something I really did like. 

I also really like the fact that Jamie respected my time. He was punctual, and we always went the full hour and got all the exercises in. This is what counts - I felt that it was value for money with each session.

Jamie tailored my programme to my schedule, which I really liked. He was very responsive, proactive (especially when sending on articles of interest) and made sure that there was a good amount of variety in the workouts. He pushed me when I needed it, and did let me slide on times when I just had too much going on. I felt, overall, that he really treated me like I was one of your most valued clients and that was fantastic.

I am definitely looking to train with him again. He offers a service which is of high class.