Jamie Vuong Fitness

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Norbert Cipak

At the beginning I was very lazy, If I could I wouldn’t come to the gym at all could be due to my lack of confidence back then but then I decided to have Jamie as my PT who will drive me through this period as I really needed support.

The best part of my training was that I had someone who listen to me what I actually say and how I do and in the same time giving me advices and teach me how to correct all the mistakes I’ve made on this path. My nutrition is the biggest issue and now i have self control and I am more aware what I eat or how much I should eat at all without cutting food I love to eat. Also, every month Jamie changed something in the plan which made it interesting. I loved every minute of my plan which I will continue now on my own.

If you are determined, know what you want to achieve and need help from someone to support you and help in every possible way don’t hesitate join this big family as it is bigger then it looks from outside!

I will be back sooner or later but for now I will try to do on my own what we started together and at the end whatever I achieve it is still our main success as without Jamie I wouldn’t be here with these results I see now! A big thank you!