Jamie Vuong Fitness

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Monica Nguyen

Before I started training with Jamie, I was negative about the gym and unmotivated.

And now I have been consistently losing weight, increased my strength, and l enjoy exercise with a positive mental attitude towards food.

My close 1-1 interaction has enabled Jamie to be attentive to keeping my form in shape with every exercise to excel at each level and minimise injury. In addition, we have formed a really good relationship where l feel comfortable and accountable for my diet and exercise plan to reach my goals.

For anyone thinking of joining, see Jamie! He is amazing! Friendly, reliable and sends training programs.

Jamie has reignited my love for fitness and exercise. I have a healthier, positive mental attitude to food, boosted my confidence and lost 7kg in the process.

l have pushed myself further than ever before - from participating in 3x5k charity runs, regularly running 5k in the park run weekly, and l now walk 2 hours a day and have now learnt how to cycle.

A big thank you to Jamie for taking me from a big fat zero to being my best self today!