Jamie Vuong Fitness

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Fanny Prugnieres

What I was worried about most before I started to train with Jamie was beginning resistance training. Like the majority of women out there, I thought lifting heavy weights would turn me into this big, bulky bodybuilder.

Jamie quickly addressed my main concern and put this myth to bed. He took the time to educate me why this wouldn’t happen and especially why resistance training was so beneficial in terms of fat loss and body composition. Lo and behold, I haven’t turned into the monster I thought I’d be. I’m leaner than ever!

Where I appreciate Jamie the most is his ability to motivate me to become the best version of myself. There were many times where I was hesitant in lifting, in my mind, really heavy weight. However, Jamie always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I am now proud to announce that my personal best for squats is 60kg! If it wasn’t for Jamie, I would never imagine myself achieving this amazing feat.

Jamie is very knowledgeable in his craft. Whenever I had any questions regarding training or nutrition, he was always able to answer them promptly. For example, during my time with him I hit plateau when it came to losing weight. From here, he deducted that I was consuming too little calories. He then advised me to slowly increase my daily caloric intake. I was afraid all my hard work would go down the drain because it didn’t make sense to me that I would eat more if I wanted to lose weight. I trusted his judgement and followed his advice, which resulted in me breaking my weight loss plateau!

I wholeheartedly recommend personal training with Jamie. I have learned so much from him and I cannot thank him enough for helping provide a better quality of life.